Validation Reference Codes

Service Validations

Data Fields
Ref Code Validation
Stop point is more than 20m from route path

The stop location is too far away from the route. Please either move the stop point or the route path to within 20m.

Point type school/depot/non-public is not allowed. Use bus stop point type only

Point types of "bus stop" must only be used on the route stopping pattern and timetable. Shift bats can be used to define driver relief points or dead-run segments to depot locations.

Arrival time is before the departure time of the previous stop

Update the arrival time of the stop or the departure time of the previous stop in time chronological order

Departure time is after the arrival time of the next stop

Update the departure time of the stop or the arrivate time of the next stop in time chronological order

Departure time is before the arrival time

Update the arrival or departure time of the stop to time chronological order

Speed exceeds 120km/hr departing from previous stop

Update the stop times to the minimum travel in minutes as specified. Speed excess validation calculations are based on the route path distance between stops and not using a straight line distance.

This validation will only be triggered if the (minimum travel time) minus (duration between stop times on the timetable) is greater than 1 minute.

Stop point has not been verified

Stop points must be verified in Planable > Points before the service can be published to customers

Point is a duplicate

Identical stop points in sequence on the route service are not allowed. Remove duplicate stop points from the route service.

Route must start with a bus stop point type with no leading waypoints

Select the first stop point and use "Trim start of route" in the route edit control panel.

Route must end with a bus stop point type with no trailing waypoints

Select the last stop point and use "Trim end of route" in the route edit control panel

Published routes must have at least one service timetable

Add an operating calendar and timetable to the route service

Published routes must have at least two bus stop points

Ensure all route services have a starting and terminating stop point

Published routes must only contain bus stop types

Remove all non bus stop types such as Depot, School and Non-Public stop points from the route service. You may add non bus stop point types to shift bats in Rosterable > Shift Bats.

Published routes must have at least 2 stop times

Stop arrival and departure times cannot be empty for published route services.

The first and last stop of a published route must be a timing point

Update the first and last stop of all service timetables to be a timing point.

First stop point must be a timing point

Update the first stop point on all timetables to be a timing point

Last stop point must be a timing point

Update the last stop point on all timetables to be a timing point

Route name cannot be empty

Enter a route name. Route name is customer facing and will appear on customer journey planners and 3rd party apps if published.

Route number cannot be empty

Enter a route number. Route number is customer facing and will appear on customer journey planners and 3rd party apps if published.

Timetable operating calendar is missing or expired

Each service must have an active operating calendar. Update or add an active operating calender.

Duplicate route variant

A route variant must not have the same route path and stopping pattern. Delete duplicate route variants

Stop time validation warnings

The timetables contain stop time validation warnings. Load each timetable and resolve each stop time validation. More detailed validation messages will be displayed against each stop time.

Stop point is out of sequence

The stop point is out of sequence the route service direction of travel. Update the stop point to the correct sequence number

Shift Bat Validations

Data Fields
Ref Code Validation
Service row is invalid

There are services in the shift bat that has been invalidated. This could be caused by the service being deleted. Please delete the invalid service row and re-add the latest service.

Point row is invalid

There are point loactions in the shift bat that has been invalidated. This could be caused by the point being deleted. Please delete the invalid point row and re-add the latest point.

Transfer Validations

Data Fields
Ref Code Validation
The transfer cannot be mapped to a setdown service


The transfer cannot be mapped to a pickup service


Missed transfer time


TODIS Validations

Data Fields
Ref Code Validation
Accredication ID missing for one or more operator data regions

For each operator data region, ensure accreditation ID exists in Settings > Account > Accredition ID

The transfer cannot be mapped to a pickup service


Missed transfer time