
Saving error - DataCloneErorr: Failed to execute 'put' on 'IDBObjectStore"

This issue occurs when the browser cache is cleared whilst there are multiple browser tabs open.

Workaround: Close all browser windows and tabs before clearing browser cache

✅ FIXED in v2.3.0 - General Performance issues (BUS-382)

  • Performance issues related to high memory utilisation



✅ FIXED in v2.3.0 - Trim start of route issues (BUS-657)

  • Timetable times update incorrectly when trimming start of route


Service Timetables

✅ FIXED in v2.3.0 - No routes display for some regions (BUS-655)

  • Regions that have no transfers are not displaying any service timetable routes

Add a transfer


Shift Bats

Error when edit time note on shift bat (BUS-736)

  • Editing a time note on an existing or new shift bat causes an on page error

Service numbers are not displaying on the printed shift bat (BUS-706)

  • Service number does not display. E.g. The 900 - Parramatta Loop service is missing '900' on the print outs

Printed shift bat QR code scanning does not load (BUS-729)

  • Scanning the QR code on a mobile device displays loading icon forever

Printed shift bat styling issues (BUS-734)

  • Duplicated rows being printed in between top and bottom margins
  • Transfer lists not wrapping to next line

Auto-generation of shift bat L/R instructions does not include U-turns (BUS-661)

  • Auto-generate U-turns

Shift bat total kms is incorrect (BUS-724)

  • The total kms calculated on a shift bat is slightly off by a few kms

✅ FIXED in v2.3.0 - Minor usability issues (BUS-658)

  • Cannot delete times against notes

✅ FIXED in v2.3.0 - Left / Right turn issues (BUS-656)

  • Turns are displaying out of order in some cases

✅ FIXED in v2.3.0 - Printing shift bat UI issues (BUS-653)

  • Various styling issues when printing shift bat

✅ FIXED in v2.3.0 - Dead-runs are not being calculated after editing shift bat (BUS-662)

  1. Dead run durations are being inflated in some cases. E.g. 45mins for a 13.2 km travel which displays as 15mins on Google maps
  2. Dead runs are not being re-calculated when adding/removing services or points from the shift bat