School Data Layers, Route Importer + More

School Data Layers, Route Importer + More

Product release version 2.11.0

We have made it easier to import data from various data sources.

  • New school data layers - Import schools from the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and NSW Department of Education
  • Import route paths, stop times and points from Consat's TrafficStudio application

School data layers

View and import NSW schools (including non-government) in the points data layers.

School data is sourced from:

  • Australian Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Authority (ACARA)
  • NSW Department of Education

Point names, suburb and postcodes

Automatically update points with address, suburb and postcode when creating new points.


Import Routes from TrafficStudio

Easily import new routes, timetables and stop points from TrafficStudio vehicle history reports.


🛠️ Other Enhancements

    • Planable > Points
      • Stop points are automatically updated with the source ID (e.g. TfNSW TSN ID) if the stop name and position is the same after each import from TfNSW's TSM system
      • Expand point cards to see more information such as suburb, postcode and last updated timestamps
      • UI Updates:
        • TfNSW Stops and Australia Schools points list moved to a new "Point Data Layer" menu. Hovering over each point data layer option displays data source and last updated timestamps
        • School bell times drop down replaced with editable time fields
        • School bell time now display on point info cards
        • Point filters are now grouped by status and validations
    • Rosterable > Shift Bats
      • Service drop downs now display the service calendars. You can now also add any trip to a shift bat without it needing to match the shift bat calendar.

🐞 Bugs Squished

  • Fixed issue with waypoints not sticking when moving them (BUS-959)
  • Fixed issue with transfer not displaying correct route numbers in service list (BUS-1295)
  • Animal logos displaying incorrectly against the wrong animal route (GTFS import customers only) (BUS-1318)
  • Fixed issue when saving large routes with lots of transfers (BUS-1327)