Stop Point Details + Performance Improvements

Stop Point Details + Performance Improvements

Product release version 2.10.0

In this release, we have focused on making it easier for you to verify and merge your stop point data.

  • Usability improvements when viewing stop points
  • Performance improvements for point merging

New and improved stop point detail cards

Stop point information cards now display:

  1. Routes that use the stop point
  2. Direction of travel based on route direction - This is useful when determining if the stop needs to be repositioned to the left or right side of the road.
  3. Point ownership - The stop point is owned by your bus operations (e.g. used by un-contracted services) or by TfNSW

🛠️ Other Enhancements

    • Planable > Services
      • Validations updated for points more than 20m from the start or end of a route path
      • UI updates:
        • Click "Route variant details" button to view more information such as variant type, direction, contract ID and parent route name
        • Click "Trip details" to view more information such as Trip Headsign, Transfer alias and wheelchair accessibility
    • Planable > Points
      • Performance improvements when merging points together
      • Points auto-update with TfNSW source ID (TSN ID) if the point name and location matches
      • Search by route numbers in point text filters
      • New filter option "Owned by"
      • UI Updates:
        • "Shared" and "Private" filter options removed. This is replaced by the "Owned by" filter option

🐞 Bugs Squished

  • Fixed an issue where TODIS route file sometimes has duplicate trip services (BUS-1305)
  • Fixed issue where a point mismatch validation is incorrectly triggered (BUS-1276)
  • Fixed issue where updating a Trip Headsign and Transfer Alias at the same time does not save (BUS-1286)
  • Fixed issue when logging in with capital letters in username (BUS-1155)
  • Fixed an issue with "Super snappy" performance setting was disabled (BUS-1274)